I read several articles which centered on the future of libraries and librarians (media specialists) with regard to technology and the emphasis of Web 2.0 Of those that I read, I could relate more to the one titled "Into a New World of Librarianship" because he dealt with the traits of a librarian who deals with 2.0 Actually, what he stated as good traits for a librarian in the Web 2.0 field apply to being a good librarian/media specialist overall. For instance, he talks about planning for the users. I think we all try to plan for our users' needs by asking what they would like to see, keeping a log of things that are well received, not well received, etc. I particularly liked his point that a good librarian does not buy technology just for the sake of buying it. I've run into people who have 'this' gadget or program just because 'it's there' but don't really have a sound use for it and therefore, it largely goes unused and is a waste of money. Another article I read was "Away from the Icebergs" and while Mr. Anderson made some very good points, I'm not that I can fully agree (maybe it's the 'old' librarian in me) with getting rid of the 'just in case' collection. He talks at length about so much information being in digital form that we really don't 'need' the basic collection that encompasses many subject areas. I still believe that we need a basic, well-rounded collection of print materials. I know, myself, that I don't want to take my laptop or i-Touch with me everywhere I go just so I can read a book in digital form. For me, it's much easier to put a paperback in my purse or suitcase. I lastly read the Library 2.0 Theory: Web 2.0 and Its Implications for Libraries. this was a fairly comprehensive article dealing with a true definition of Library 2.0 and innumerates some essential elements that Library 2.0 would encompass.
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