Up until this point, I had at least heard the name of each of the 2.0 'things' mentioned but Rollyo was totally new to me. I looked at several search rolls that were listed on the "23 Things" list but the one for photos led me to a dead link. I then went in and explored some of the search rolls that had already been created and thought, at first, that it was going to be much like our county's teachers' bookmarks site...bookmarks.allconet.org but then saw where it went one step further in searching for particular subjects within the websites themselves; whereas the bookmarks site for the teachers just gives the specific link for each one. I created a search roll for some educational sites that I use frequently (NASA, Discovery Science, etc.) with the Math/Science Partnership Grant and saw where it would be very helpful because I am often out of town for meetings with this grant and don't have my own computer with me so could access the sites from whatever computer I was at. I can see where it would be very useful for that purpose. I can also envision possible use of it to teach student web search skills but have them use only the websites you have designated so they do not get into inappropriate material, which is a large concern. By putting only the sites you want them to be able to get into and having them accessing Rollyo, they can learn the basics of searching without being in the entire Internet.
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